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Cinnatropin 30IU Discreet (Lab Tested)

Cinnatropin 30IU Discreet (Lab Tested)

  • Product Code: cnds 30
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $85.00
  • $68.00

PS:Due to controls and returns done by Turkish postal service, temporarily, we can not send 10 ml vials, smartpens, prefilled syringes with EMS/regular airmail. Please note that tablets have very high success rate with EMS/regular airmail shipping methods. 

Manufacturer: Cinnagen

Substance: Somatropin labeled as sterile water

Package: 1 pen of 30 IU

Lab test 12/2024:

*** Pharmacy Grade Product


A cinnatropin is 30 iu
It has 1.5ml sterile water in it.

Pen is 150 in total. 1.5ml. You can arrange the dose accordingly. 

So 20 number (0.2ml) in smartpen equals to 4iu. 20 means 0.2ml. 80 number in pen equals 0.8 ml water=16iu
For 10 iu, you'd need a third of pen, which is 50 in pen(0.5ml)